Open to ANY teens interested in leadership for any career path!
BYLP is a long-standing BackStory tradition letting teens who are deeply involved in BackStory take the wheel. Leading their own events, helping teach classes, and taking on special projects.
The teens will need to meet certain requirements to be involved in BYLP:
Involvement in 3 or more Backstory Main Stage Productions
Submitting a BYLP Application
Participating in the interview screening process
And being 14 or older
BYLP is a program that takes the theatre skills that students have been learning and growing for years and puts them to use in real world situations.
We are so excited for everything coming with our Backstory Youth Leadership Program!
Important Info (as of September 2024)
Membership in BYLP is on going and there is no need for reapplication once accepted
Current BYLP Members (accepted in 2023 or earlier) are automatically enrolled for 2024 (no need to reapply for 2024)
Right now BYLP applications are not open they will be open January of 2025.
BYLP now has Full time and Part time options each will require the signage of a contract between the student and the BYLP adult leaders (BYLP advisors) .
Save the Dates:
The BYLP retreat is the 2nd 3rd of May. This will be a fun overnight trip to build our team, and we HIGHLY recommend you come.
BYLP induction, this is a new tradition our young leaders are starting. The inaugural induction ceremony will be held December 14th at 5:00pm at our space and is mandatory.
Program Requirements FULL TIME
Attending once a month BYLP business meetings.
Attending quarterly board meetings.
Participating as student teachers and aids in at least 3 Summer Make Believe and Beyond classes. Student summer schedules/availability will need to be submitted to the advisors no later than May 5th.
Be a good example of BackStory's values
Participating/leading the planning and implementation of fundraising events
Staying an active member in BackStory by participating in events and shows, meetings, etc.
Program Requirements PART TIME
Attending once a month BYLP business meetings in the summer.
Attending 1 quarterly board meeting.
Participating as student teachers and aids in at least 3 Summer Make Believe and Beyond classes Student summer schedules/availability will need to be submitted to the advisors no later than May 5th.
Be a good example of BackStory's values
BYLP Lead Committee
Students, typically upperclassmen, are given the opportunity to apply for leadership positions within BYLP. A committee composed of a Chair, Co-chair, and Secretary are the student leaders of the entire BYLP team. Adult advisors, currently Stella Romig-Leavitt and Christa Romig-Leavitt, partner with the Lead Committee to support and advise student leadership. Positions on this Lead Committee are only available for students choosing to be active in the Full-Time program.
If you or your student have questions please reach out to Christa@backstorytheatre.org and Stella@backstorytheatre.org
BYLP's "backstory"...

BYLP was developed in 2017 by past executive director Mary Wilkie and past student Ellie Gentry as an extension of BackStory’s work study program for advanced students, in an effort to expand leadership opportunities for interested students. In BYLP teens will help as teacher aids in youth classes! In addition, Youth Leaders may collaborate throughout the winter or spring to produce a play for public performance. Since 2017, over 30 BYLP members have taught camps, produced over 125 youth shows, supported more than 20 free workshops for at-risk neighbors through The Refuge and Broomfield FISH, and produced 3 three straight plays with teens. Today BYLP is lead by former BYLP Chair Stella Romig-Leavitt and Artistic Director Christa Romig-Leavitt. Past BYLP participants pursue careers in biochemical engineering, environmental justice, teaching, theater, film production, sociology, law, and more!
BYLP pictures!

We thank all our past members and mentors for the knowledge they have given us and all you have done for our community and for BYLP.